January 02, 2006

To Be or Not to Be

In real life, it would give me nightmares, but on the internet it's just hilarious:

A mother in Dallas is one of several parents complaining about a new interactive book for toddlers in which Sesame Street character Elmo asks "who wants to die?" according to a Local 6 News report.

Family members said 16-month-old Miranda Boll's new book, "Potty Time With Elmo," was supposed to teach an interactive lesson using voice commands.

However, when the book's buttons are pressed, it reportedly says something it is not supposed to -- "who wants to die?"

(via Bookslut.)

Posted by Dr. Frank at January 2, 2006 08:15 PM | TrackBack

Ah, yes, the perennial "Corporations are poisoning our children's minds!" bleat. Every once in a while some idiot fails to grasp the fact that the speakers in those dolls are not very high-fidelity, and gets his panties in a wad over sekrit devil messages. Once it was a doll that said, "Kill our mommy." 'Cept it was a Spanish-speaking doll that said, "Quiero mami."

The article goes on to say that the woman tried another book, and it said, "Who wants to try to go potty?" I submit to you that the first book was defective, in that its sound chip cut out after "try". And a hysterical/litigious imagination supplied the rest.

Posted by: Angie Schultz at January 3, 2006 03:48 PM

But I *want* to believe, Angie!

Posted by: Dr. Frank at January 3, 2006 04:41 PM

It is a little known fact that Jim Henson and Rob Halford were great friends and that Brian Henson created Elmo as a tribute to his father's friend, Rob Halford.

Posted by: Zaphod at January 3, 2006 07:37 PM

It's no coincidence that Elmo is as red as the devil's ass.

My old "Tickle Me" Elmo used to say, "Hahahahahoohoohoo - That was sin"

After a while, the tickle trigger had fallen from his belly to his crotch.

Posted by: Tim at January 3, 2006 08:11 PM

It's a valid question. Guess the answer depends on which religion you believe in. If any.
Then again I haven't heard it so I'm not sure how the question is asked.
Is it a threat? "who wants to die? huh?"
Is it a existential question? "who cares if I die or not?"
Is it transcedental? "when i die is this whole birth-death cycle thing gonna keep going? Cause then I'm not really gonna die."
Is it rhetorical? "not me silly."
Or rhetorical to a suicidal person. "me"
guess i'll have to get it and ask elmo that age old question.

Posted by: matty at January 3, 2006 08:24 PM

I saw this on TV, and they demonstrated it, and I couldn't understand what the hell that squeaky Muppet was saying.

Bring back Grover, I say.

Posted by: Duncan at January 4, 2006 03:36 PM

Maybe they got the mechanism switched with those poorly-selling "Tickle Me Morrissey" dolls?

Posted by: Stig Fink at January 4, 2006 05:24 PM

Well, it couldn't have been the "Tickle Me Freddie Mercury" dolls, since those say, "Who Wants to Live Forever?".

Posted by: Duncan at January 4, 2006 06:39 PM

I saw something that looked like it might be in the same vain at Toys r us recently. The book was tiny tiny and unavailable to my perusal. it came with an elmo doll which invited to touch its hand,and excited i did. sadly it only spouted the usual elmo drivel.

i was sorely disappointed.

Posted by: JUST ME at January 5, 2006 01:05 AM
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