May 28, 2005

Oprah is a Hybrid Human

I go over to Rosie O'Donnell's blog every now and again. I'm not sure why. Maybe just to see if she's still doing it. Or maybe just to check: is she still doing the weird poetry slam format? I like to imagine this format being used for typical bloggish posts, like a de-linking ceremony, an acknowledgment of an instalanche, or, best of all, a fisking of something by David Horowitz or Paul Krugman.

It's true; believe me folks, you have no idea of the kind of things I like to imagine.

just my luck
my first instalanche and
was on
my blog does
not rule my life
and i have other things
to do
like making a
living and
putting food on the table

and eating it

thanks for the traffic
it brought down my

so to speak

welcome instapundit
i disagree with glenn on
almost everything
the right wing is my
Enemy and libertarians are
their beards
but he
heh indeed

That wasn't real. I just made it up. But it's a nice dream.

But back to the real Rosie: she spends a lot of her time complaining about how people always talk about how fat she is (which, I admit, would really be a pain.) But there are a lot of other thoughts buzzing around in Rosie's brain. Example:

oprah is a hybrid human
i am sure
decades from now
they will exhumne her remains
and find the dna
of the rest of us
in the future

If you can't quite get your mind around that, the one-line stanza that follows is a help, both on its own as a self-contained tautological piece of Mobius-strip rhetoric, like something from Alice; and as an indication that even Rosie is capable of realizing when her flights of fancy may have gone too far.

And by the way, the title of the piece is "peace out".

Posted by Dr. Frank at May 28, 2005 04:44 PM | TrackBack

"the right wing is my
Enemy and libertarians are
their beards"

This is by far the most hilarious/strangly true thing I have read in weeks. I find it interesting that the libertarian ideology is making such an impressive run on the youth of our nation. Then again, as a bare bones philosophy, it is perfect for the college kid who loves to play political dress up every once in a while. I used to cringe (ever so softly in my heart) and shake my head when during friendly political conversing someone (undoubtably alcohol fueled) would attempt to sell me on how communism, or at least socialism "could really fuckin' work if we would all get behind it... it will certainly succeed in the burgeoning Latin American countries, you'll see!"

Those days have faded and now arises the libertarian youth who "give the finger" to society and concurrently worship P.J. O'Rourke. While they rant about how we need more personal freedom and then tell me that maybe Cheney is just misunderstood, I sometimes go to my special place deep inside my own mind.

When the voice has stopped, I emerge once more and make my move.

"Yeah, government sure is a bitch. Radical ideas are really fun, too. Hey, you should check out this stuff by Marx and Engles..."

Posted by: Derek Miller at May 28, 2005 10:15 PM
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