June 21, 2003

a persistent vegetative state

Noted by Steven Rubio:

Gary Huckabay, A's fan and Baseball Prospectus raconteur, on the kind of person who wears caps with the colors of both the A's and Giants, offered for your perusal as the two local teams prepare to take each other on:

"Those are David Koresh rejects who should be dragged from their '82 Dodge Colts and savagely beaten into a persistent vegetative state."

Posted by Dr. Frank at June 21, 2003 06:25 PM | TrackBack

recommend A's fans read "Moneyball" by Mike Lewis. Same dude who wrote "Liars Poker" about the million dollar game of comparing dollar bill serial numbers and other weird stuff at junk bond haven, Salomon Bros. "Moneyball" is the not as dry as you'd think story of Billy Beane and the new computerized baseball scouting coup that led the (impoverished at $40 mil)A's to equal the payroll might of the Yanks. just a tip for the A's baseball minded.
(MTX fan in sacto)
for more:

Posted by: mikey at June 22, 2003 02:47 AM
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