January 23, 2002

A couple of good lines

A couple of good lines I wish I had thought of:

In reference to my post below (about the Independent's position that a "fast-track to paradise" wouldn't constitute "private gain" under the Geneva Convention), reader Charles Austin writes:

I wondered if perhaps everyone had forgotten about the 72 virgins. The only way this couldn't be considered a personal gain was if you had to give up 73. And even then, it is still a pretty substantial "material compensation".

Samizdata's David Carr, commenting on the Camp X-ray prisoners and British media:

The BBC has just stopped short of launching 'Taliban-Aid.' It's all a delicious irony really. Most of these Guardianistas would pay good money to be hooded, handcuffed and pushed around by big, burly men in uniform.

Posted by Dr. Frank at January 23, 2002 09:58 AM | TrackBack
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