February 26, 2002

Jonah Goldberg vs. Pat Buchannan

Jonah Goldberg vs. Pat Buchannan

Jonah wins.

I haven't read Buchannan's book, and I'll admit there was never much chance that I ever would. (Goldberg has read it, bless him, saving the rest of us some trouble and aggravation.) When Buchannan was making the TV talk show book-promotion rounds, I noticed surprisingly few challenges like Goldberg's. Most of the ones I saw had not much more than a vague, token question about "controversy." (If there were any vigorous challenges, I may have missed them, though-- it's not like I scan the TV constantly for a Buchannan fix, so my viewing wasn't comprehensive.) I guess TV pundits like to stick together and promote each other's "product," which is irritating as only things that are the way of the world can be. Anyway, I'm glad we have Jonah to buck the trend.

Posted by Dr. Frank at February 26, 2002 10:08 AM | TrackBack
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