Foxblogger vs. Foxblogger!
Ken Layne writes column about the California gubernatorial primary and the Republican Party's quest to maintain their unchallenged irrelevance in the state; Rand Simberg disagrees with Layne; hijinks ensue.. There's a debate on Simberg's comment section, as well as on (For the record, my view is that, like it or not, guys like Riordan are the future of the Republican Party in California, to the extent that it has one. It now appears that Riordan has lost to Simon. I don't know if that literally fulfills a "death wish," but an anti-abortion candidate is going to have a hard time winning, even against the Dark Lord Davis. I wish Riordan had won, because Davis is a disaster; now he'll almost certainly be re-elected. Well, they made their statement and now they'll have to lie in it...)
But I want to ask a different question. Swell moderate Republican uber-mayors like Giuliani and Riordan always try to move on up to higher office after they clean up their cities, fix their broken windows, make them "livable," etc. Why can't they, as a public service, make a couple of horizontal moves before making a play for the big time? We could really use one of those guys here in Oakland. Why can't Oakland be livable, too? Riordan? Please?
Posted by Dr. Frank at March 5, 2002 09:54 PM | TrackBack